What is the Opposite of Kidnaping?
Previous chapter: After a Brief Respite, Again With the Distractions. Isabel and Seacay take out the opposition.
I expected more resistance. Twelve guys after all. As much ego as I have, I know I’m not superman. However, the element of surprise, if managed properly, gives a huge force multiplier advantage. Isabel felt certain our approach would have the desired effect. On my way out, I pick up the various bugs I’d placed. No sense in giving the CIA any hint I’ve been here.
I go to my safe house and start cleaning up. When I’m done, I give Elizabeth the news that we think we’ve dealt with things and she’ll shortly be delivered to her father. I’m still disguised and using the voice modulator. After she gathers her things, I give her a little jab of sleepy juice and catch her as she falls. I bundle all her stuff, together with mine, into the van and head to Isabel’s. Once there, I carry Elizabeth into their safe house along with her things. I see Jeff and confer with him a few minutes, then leave him with the antidote.
I head over to the Doctor’s residence; it’s still a few hours before dawn. I do a circuit with the thermal goggles once again. It wasn’t like it was simple, but it seems like something’s missing. I set up in my selected spot with my gear and wait for them to deliver Elizabeth. An hour or so later I see them drive up. The lights come on in the house; I suppose the Doctor is expecting them. The four of them walk up to the front door.
I finally see what I’ve been looking for. It seems that there has been someone watching the house. He was concealed such that his infrared signature wasn’t registering on my goggles. It isn’t that hard to block infrared, but I would have expected someone deliberately hiding themselves from IR would also be using it to observe. I should have triggered some sort of response during my earlier walkabouts. I see no evidence the person is taking note of my position.
I give Isabel the signal and wait to see what happens. The house is now blocking their view of the person. Eric and Jeff are going around opposite sides of the house. I get prepared to act as backup. We’re not sure what might happen, but did plan for this eventuality.
I can see when Jeff and Eric come around the house. There’s no reaction. It seems the person is not using a thermal scanner; they’re so cheap today I find it hard to believe. Wait, now there’s a reaction. It seems this person is using something hand-held rather than goggles. I quickly switch to night vision and can see the glow from the handheld screen. It seems he sees Eric, but not Jeff. I’m not sure if Jeff or Eric see him. I watch as they come closer. The person clearly has spoilt their night vision using the handheld device. Either that or they’re fixated on Eric. Jeff is homing in. Eric is moving like he doesn’t know exactly where the person is.
I switch back to the thermal goggles. The person is bringing something like a rifle to bear. I quickly take off my thermal goggles, can’t see a damn thing now with my night vision destroyed. I pick up my rifle with the thermal scope and press my eye against the sight. Yes, the person has a rifle and is pointing at Eric. I don’t hear anything over the cacophony from the bugs, but I see the thermal bloom from the gun. I take my shot.
Hopefully Eric was shot in his vest. Jeff is checking on him. Eric seems OK. At least he’s standing up. I use the scope to survey the area quickly to see if there’s anyone else. However, the view is limited. I think we’ve taken care of the last of them. Checking with Isabel, she’s heard from Jeff: Eric is OK and the shooter is down. I intended to wait longer, switching back to the goggles to have a wider view, but I hear sirens in the distance. I guess Isabel wants this to be official. Or has worked something out with the CIA. Collecting my things, I drift off. We’ll meet up later to compare notes.